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Gathering of Eagles

All Eagle Scouts in Central Texas – no matter when or where you earned it – are cordially invited to join us for our 2024 Gathering of Eagles event!

When: Sunday, October 27, 2024, from 3pm-6pm

Where: Smilin V Scout Ranch, Liberty Hill

What: food, fellowship, and fun

There is no cost to attend. This event is intended to connect (or reconnect) Eagle Scouts living in our council’s 15 counties. It does not matter whether you earned Eagle here in our council or if you did your Scouting in another part of the country and now call this area home. Along with dinner, there will be fun activities including:

  • Can you hit a target on the range?
  • Can you tie a sheepshank?
  • Can you remember the required merit badges to earn Eagle?
  • Can you tell the best stories about your Scoutmaster?

Please RSVP your attendance so we know how much food to prepare. If you know of an Eagle living in Central Texas, please share this page with them so they can RSVP and join us!

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