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District-hosted events

Trying to find district events?

Looking for a list of district events? Click the orange “calendar” tab on the right side of this or any other page of our website. Use the filter to select only those events from your district.

Running a district event and need to create an online registration for it?

Work with your District Executive to confirm an event location. Then, use the form below to set up the registration for the event. Allow up to one week for the event to appear in our council calendar online and registration to be active.

Online registration system request for district events

This form provides all details needed to set up online registration for a district event. Staff will approve all submitted forms prior to processing.

Event contact name(Required)
This is the primary volunteer contact for the event. This person will be set up as an administrator for the event and receive access to registration reports.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Use this to upload event documents such as a flier, leaders guide, or other materials that you would normally send to registrants. Please do not include the BSA medical form.
If not at a council facility - provide location address
Check any word that describe your event(Required)
Do you need to do any of the following?(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event start time (check in for attendees)(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event end time(Required)
Do you want registrants to be able to do any of the following(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
What type of registrants are needed:(Required)

Participant Fees

Set the regular fee for the normal registration period. "Early bird" discounts and late registration fees can be assessed against the regular fee. You should have at least two weeks of regular registration between an early bird discount and a late registration fee.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Total people, number of youth, number of adults
What information do you want collected from participants (not the person making the reservation)(Required)
Do you want your registrants to receive a custom email after they register? The standard email includes a thank you for registering and a link the staff advisor if they have questions. If you would like to customize that message, please include your suggested text in this field.