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Adult Optional Training

Expand Your Knowledge

We want to equip our adult volunteers with the tools and resources necessary to help you grow personally and improve your performance as a Scout leader. Training is one of the best ways to accomplish all of these things. Not to mention, the more you know the better chance you’ll have fun!

Some of the courses in this section are meant to be self-paced, theoretical, and very prerequisite in nature. Others are very physically active, spanning a weekend or even multiple weekends. All of them share this common trait: they’re optional. You choose to complete these because you want to learn something new that unlocks a new skill, makes it possible for your Scouts to do a new activity, or maybe even benefits you in your life outside of Scouting.

We encourage you to explore all of these and consider not what you have to do… but what do you want to do?

Courses (clicks links below for descriptions; see our training calendar for availability)

Archery Instructor
Archery Range Master (Cub Scouts)
BB Range Master (Cub Scouts)
Climb on Safely
Climbing Instructor
C.O.P.E. Facilitator
Driver Improvement
MEGA Training
NOVA Award Counselor
Paddle Craft Safety
Pistol Instructor
Powder Horn
Range Safety Officer
Rifle and Shotgun Instructor
Safety Afloat
Safe Swim Defense
Supernova Award Mentor
The Trainer’s EDGE
University of Scouting
Swimming & Water Rescue
Wilderness First Aid
Wood Badge


If you have general questions about these or other training courses, please feel free to use the form below to contact our staff:

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