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Introduction to Leadership Skills
Introduction to Leadership Skills teaches Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to most effectively reach success in that role. It is intended to help Scouts in leadership positions within their unit understand their responsibilities and to equip them with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities.
There are versions of this course for Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouting. All of these courses are to be administered at the unit level using the provided syllabus/materials.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST)
The purpose of the ILST course is to teach Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to most effectively reach success in that role. It is intended to help Scouts in leadership positions within their troop understand their responsibilities and to equip them with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities. ILST is the first course in the series of leadership training offered to Scouts and is a replacement for Troop Leadership Training. Completion of ILST is a prerequisite for Scouts to participate in the more advanced leadership courses National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE). It is also required to participate in a Kodiak Challenge Trek.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC)
The Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews Course (ILSC) has been created to help Venturers learn and practice the attitudes and skills that good leaders demonstrate. The course is a series of lessons divided into three modules: Leading Self, Leading Others, and Leading Crews. The syllabus contains six and a half hours of instruction, but a course length may vary depending on facilitators’ choice of games, the content chosen for more extensive discussion, and the needs of the crew. Completion of ILSC is a prerequisite for Venturers to participate in the more advanced leadership courses, such as, National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) and Kodiak.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships (ILSS)
ILSS is intended to help Sea Scouts in leadership positions within their ship understand their responsibilities and to equip them with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities. ILSS replaces the Venturing Leadership Skills Course (VLSC) and is a prerequisite for Sea Scouts to participate in the more advanced leadership courses (i.e., National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) and the Kodiak Challenge).
Click here to view the training guide and materials from the national Sea Scouts website